MySuper Product Dashboard

ANZ Australian Staff Superannuation Scheme

Effective 13 August 2024

The details in this product dashboard are based on the Trustee’s understanding of the calculations and requirements for product dashboards set out in the relevant law.
The information in this product dashboard may change from time to time.

Return target1

CPI plus 4.18% per year over a 10 year period.

Net return2  for the year ended 30 June

Annual Net Return
2015 9.50%
2016 0.57%
2017 11.23%
2018 8.82%
2019 7.39%
2020 -0.82%
2021 16.98%
2022 -4.36%
2023 8.02%
2024 9.84%
10 year average return to 30 June 2024 6.54% p.a.

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Future performance is not guaranteed.

Comparison between net return and return target3

Comparison between net return and return target graph

Level of investment risk 

Medium to High4: Estimated number years where negative net investment returns will be incurred over a 20 year period is 3 to less than 4.5

Statement of fees and other costs6

Employee Section members $287
Personal and Partner Section members $327


  1. Return Target is not the same as the Investment Objective as stated in the PDS. Legislation requires the Return Target to be calculated based on the `mean' annualised estimate of the percentage rate of net return that exceeds the growth in the CPI over ten years. The Return Target is net of taxes, investment fees and costs, transaction costs and administration fees and costs for a member with a $50,000 balance. Investment Objective is based on a more conservative Return Target and is net of taxes and investment fees and costs only.
  2. Represents the net return of a “representative member” who was fully invested in the Balanced Growth (MySuper) investment option, who did not incur any activity fees during a year and who has an account balance of $50,000 throughout that year. The net return of a representative member is the net investment return of a representative member allowing for investment fees, costs and taxes on investment income minus administration fees and costs. As required, these returns reflect the highest administration fee level for the relevant year.  The net returns of a “representative member” are after administration fees and costs have been deducted and are therefore lower than the published net investment returns for the Balanced Growth investment option, which are net of investment-related fees, costs and taxes only.  The net returns shown in the product dashboard may not be directly comparable with the investments return achieved on your account for the periods shown as they depend on the timing of cashflows and other factors.
  3. The graph outlines the comparison between the return target (note 1) and the net returns for the Balanced Growth (MySuper) option (note 3).
  4. The “Medium to High” level of investment risk label is based on industry guidance (Standard Risk Measure [SRM], Guidance Paper for Trustees dated July 2011 and SRM, Implementation Guidance for Trustees dated December 2012) issued by the Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia and the Financial Services Council. Negative returns may occur more or less frequently than expected.
  5. The probability of negative returns is 4.0 in 20 years when rounded to one decimal place, but is under 4 in 20 years when unrounded, leading to the Balanced Growth / MySuper option falling within the Medium to High Risk range.
  6. Represents the estimated dollar value of fees and other costs paid by a representative member with a $50,000 balance in the Balanced Growth (MySuper) investment option for one financial year. It is based on the administration fees and costs for 2024 before allowing for the rebate. There is a rebate of 0.03% p.a. of your account balance (up to $500,000), meaning the fees and other costs for 2024 will be $272 for Employee Section members and $312 for Personal and Partner Section members after allowing for the fee rebate. The rebate is reviewed annually. It does not include any insurance premiums or activity fees. The investment fees and costs have been estimated based on the level for 2023. These costs vary from year to year.

The fees and costs shown in the product dashboard will not necessarily be the amount of fees and costs that you would incur for a financial year.

Refer to the relevant Product Disclosure Statement before making decisions about your account with ANZ Staff Super. For more information, contact ANZ Staff Super on 1800 000 086.